New swimming pool requirements come into effect in October


be prepared this winter


vacancy rates

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Research shows, the competitive Wagga rental market will definitely have an increase in vacancies in the coming months in comparison to the beginning of the year. On a postive note, Fitzpatricks vacancy rate for March is scientifically lower at 2.58% than the total REINSW average for Riverina of 3.40%. Our current rate for April is lower again at 1.57%.


Constant reviews of properties that are coming up for lease or are currently vacant is essential to securing the right tenant for your property. Key areas that should be monitored are:

  • Advertising: the use of high quality photos and correct display of features & attributes of a home
  • Marketing & Timing: all properties should be listed on multiple websites & local newspapers to ensure it reaches a wide range of people all over Australia
  • Current Pricing: regular price reviews of similar properties in the area that are available and also have been leased recently to keep in line with the current market trends

Being proactive in today’s market is crucial to ensuring Landlords protect their investments by having minimal vacancy periods throughout the year.