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clean green

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clean_greenHousehold cleaners that are safe
for the environment and you!

There a some chemicals found in common household cleaners that have been shown to be toxic to the immune system and children are highly vulnerable to these chemical toxins. Those with allergies have long known to avoid household cleaners where possible, especially cleaners containing bleach.

Bleach, phosphates and ammonias are chemicals found in many household and outdoor area cleaners. They are not just harmful to humans, they are also highly harmful to the environment. They leach into the ground destroying plant and animal life and are not biodegradable, meaning they sit in the soil for years.

We all have to clean, so when possible try to look for cleaning agents with the Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) seal, as they adhere to rigorous standards.

You can also look at natural cleaning methods. Here are a few that have been tried and tested:

  • BAKING SODA (sodium bicarbonate): An all-purpose, non-toxic cleaner. Cleans, deodorises, removes stains and softens fabrics
  • BORAX (sodium borate): A natural mineral that kills mould and bacteria. An alternative to bleach, it deodorises, removes stains and boosts the cleaning power of soap
  • CORNSTARCH: Starches clothes, absorbs oil and grease
  • HERBS and ESSENTIAL OILS: Great for disinfecting and fragrance
  • LEMON JUICE: Cuts through grease. A bleach alternative