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buyers view of the state of the market

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Drawing information from more than 8,000 property seekers, a recent survey conducted by has revealed an interesting snapshot of the current state of the market from a buyers perspective.

first home buyers are flocking back

First home buyers represented 29.4% of the property seeker market, making them the largest segment currently seeking property. This is a promising sign for the property market, as first home buyers have shown reluctance to buy in recent years.

the great australian dream is still in vogue

As the Australian population continues to grow and our cities become increasingly crowded, housing is becoming smaller and high rise living is becoming more prevalent. Despite this, however, it seems Australians still aspire for the Great Australian Dream with 66.9% looking to buy a house and less than 9% looking to buy an apartment.

will the budget stretch far enough?

While the survey showed a strong preference towards purchasing a home, most were interested in properties selling for less than $400,000.