avoid air-conditioner breakdown


buyers view of the state of the market


be prepared this storm and fire season

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With the storm and fire season fast approaching, it is strongly advised by local council, SES and your Property Manager that all property owners take recommended actionstorm_ses to be prepared.

By proactively maintaining trees, you can improve the look and appeal of your property whilst minimising the risk of potential damage such as:

  • Limbs falling on or pushing over objects such fences, gardens or even properties themselves
  • Debris falling into gutters causing them to get dirty/clogged and over time even rust out your gutters and downpipes
  • Providing less fuel for fires, particularly fuel that may be within close proximity to the building itself

Upon your instruction, our team at Fitzpatricks Real Estate are very happy to arrange this work on your behalf.

For more information go to http://www.stormsafe.com.au/