2012 a Positive Turnaround in the Wagga Wagga Real Estate Market


January – a busy month for rentals


Reducing your energy bills

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With the increasing cost of electricity prices, more and more people are choosing to improve their home’s energy efficiency rating in a bid to reduce their energy bills and the impact on our environment.

An average family of four could save hundreds of dollars a year by making a few changes.

Here are some small tips to help you reduce your energy bills with minimal effort:

  • Wash clothes in cold water rather than hot and hang them on the line instead of using the dryer
  • Getting rid of that second fridge (the beer fridge)!
  • Turn appliances off at the wall instead of leaving them in standby mode
  • During summer months open all the doors and windows to let the breeze circulate and use ceiling fans rather than turning on the air-conditioner
  • Shop around and make sure you are getting the best deal for your particular energy needs
  • Invest in energy-efficient appliances
  • Your heater and air-conditioner should be serviced regually
  • Limit your use of the heater and the air-conditioner. If you do need to use them set your heater to less than 20 degrees celsius and you air-conditioner to no less than 26 degrees celsius. Every extra degree can increase your running costs by 10-15 per cent.
  • Installing solar panels is a great long term investment that will immediately reduce your power bills or in fact give you a rebate at the end of each quarter.  While there is a large upfront cost, over time you will save money.

The Australia Government’s Living Greener website says the average Australian household produces around 14 tonnes of greenhouse gases a year.

We should all take action to reduce our impact on the environment, and at the same time we will enjoy a saving on our energy bills.

An example of an energy efficient home currently on the market in Wagga Wagga is 34 Kansas Drive. This stunning home has been thoughtfully designed and is fully solar power self sufficient meaning no electricity bills.